March 14, 2025

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Text and photos by Cor Steenstra

The Scion TC has been out on the US market for some time, now, but we never before had a chance to drive the latest version of it. So here it is. The Scion TC  really should be seen as a Toyota Celica of this day and age, a type of car Toyota sadly dropped a while back, which in itself had some very interesting design iterations.The Scion TC however, is still restrained by the blocky design language Toyota has decided to burden the Scion brand with, which hopefully will change for the better as soon as the FT86 gets to be in the Scion line-up over here. Maybe from than onward, Scion can truly make a nice, dynamic looking vehicle out of the TC base, rather than this overtly blocky design theme currently available. It is nice and makes sense for the Toyota Black Box/Scion Tb to be square, since it is primarily aimed at the Japanese market with its vast restrictions, but a sporty coupe should really not have to burden the same restraints. It is not intended for the same audience. It is aimed at a Scion audience, who is supposed to be young and hip, so give them something young and hip..

Nuf said..

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